Welcome to the

International Association against Sciatica

Together we are stronger!

Who We Are

My name is Chris, I have created this association to help any person facing sciatica: be it a patient, physiotherapist, physician, or doctor.

I have battled sciatica during 14 months, with sometimes acute pain crisis. But above the pain: there was also lack of support and reliable information online.

On my path to recovery there were many dead ends: inefficient (although strong) pain killers, useless medical exams, and almost no therapeutic response. It is time to share and bring together all the mindful persons to bring an end to sciatica, which is a symptom not understood at all.

Getting back your life is entirely possible! That means walking without any pain, with many outdoors activities to come!

What We Do


— We Help

Our members have access to our shop to order supplements that might provide relief from sciatica.


— We Support

Our members can share their experience with us and we write them back with strong support!


— We Educate

Whether you are a physician, physiotherapist or doctor: we help you better understand your patients.


— We Collect

We collect: testimonials from our members, statistics about the causes of sciatica, and any other data about the effects of sciatica.


— We Publish

Resources are important: articles & ebooks are published on our website based on the collected data.


— We Win

Ultimately the correct information will reach the right persons and we will all win against sciatica.


Your nerve is trapped and pinched somewhere in your spine

Sciatica caused by a “trapped nerve” is less than 1% of the cases!

You never recover from sciatica, you learn to live with it

It is so easy to give up and declare that there is no way out. Do you really need to turn into a phase of “pain management”?…